Flachdichtung UNIFLUOR® PTFE mit Füllstoff Bariumsulfat, Profil FD01, WS 7553, Dichtungsdicke 3 mm, Rev. 00

Type of gasket: Type IBC - flat gasket
Gasket manufacturer: IDT Industrie- und Dichtungstechnik GmbH
Gasket label: Flachdichtung UNIFLUOR® PTFE mit Füllstoff Bariumsulfat, Profil FD01, WS 7553, Dichtungsdicke 3 mm, Rev. 00
maximum temperature: 200 °C
maximum pressure: 40 bar


Gasket thickness under load eG

Gasket thickness eG / mm
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 100°C 150°C 200°C
0 2.99 2.997 3.04 2.97
1 2.965 2.985 3.025 2.955
5 2.936 2.968 2.987 2.955
10 2.925 2.941 2.784 2.816
15 2.907 2.866 2.446 2.419
20 2.882 2.666 2.175 2.099
30 2.729 2.209 1.788 1.69
40 2.439 1.886 1.564 1.463
50 2.188 1.675

Gasket deformation under load ΔeG

Gasket deformation ΔeG / mm
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 100°C 150°C 200°C
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
1 0.025 0.012 0.015 0.015
5 0.054 0.029 0.053 0.015
10 0.065 0.056 0.256 0.154
15 0.083 0.131 0.594 0.551
20 0.108 0.331 0.865 0.871
30 0.261 0.788 1.252 1.280
40 0.551 1.111 1.476 1.507
50 0.802 1.322

Maximum allowable gasket stress QSmax

Temperature / °C QSmax / MPa
20 50
100 50
150 40
200 40

Modulus of elasticity EG

Modulus of elasticity EG / MPa
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 100°C 150°C 200°C
5 850 3329 830 968
10 3220 4044 739 871
15 2413 2248 744 915
20 3281 1632 925 1203
30 2759 1849 1253 1619
40 2544 2329 1265 1979
50 2776 2702

Creep/relaxation factor PQR

Creep/relaxation factor PQR
Gasket stress / MPa 20°C 100°C 150°C 200°C
10 0.7 0.7
20 0.93 0.61 0.55 0.44
30 0.39
40 0.87 0.58 0.46 0.38
50 0.84 0.59

Minimum required gasket stress in assembly Qmin(L)

Minimum required gasket stress Qmin(L) / MPa
Leakage rate / mg/m/s 10 bar 16 bar 40 bar
10⁰ 5 5 5
10⁻¹ 5 8 13
10⁻² 13 15 19
10⁻³ 20 21 24
10⁻⁴ 25 26 28
10⁻⁵ 37

Minimum required gasket stress in service QSmin(L) depending on initial gasket stress QA

Minimum required gasket stress at internal pressure 10 bar

Minimum required gasket stress at internal pressure 16 bar

Minimum required gasket stress at internal pressure 40 bar

Friction coefficient µG

The friction coefficient between gasket and flange surface was determined for different types of gasket materials in an ESA research project.

The gasket Flachdichtung UNIFLUOR® PTFE mit Füllstoff Bariumsulfat, Profil FD01, WS 7553, Dichtungsdicke 3 mm, Rev. 00 can be assigned to the categorie 2 : "Gaskets based on filled PTFE". Therefore, the following friction coefficients can be considered:

Temperature / °C Friction coefficient
20 °C 0.23